
Showing posts from December, 2020
COVID - 19 A Jolt to Humanity There was a time in the world when we all use to talk about a word called compassion, then humanity, equality and what not. These were nice to ear at that time.  Then came March Month and world got locked behind the doors on the name of lock down, People started feeling the heat, lost  there Jobs, some there family and friends. Those who were safe started missing Pizza, Burger and some there livelihood.  And new dictionary of words generated: Quarantine, Lock down, Aatamnirbhar, Moratorium and the list is endless.  Basic Problems were:  1. People lost there livelihood forever.  2. Employees were fired and people came to know what bluff labor law was and no association came to protect them, no union, no party.  3. Even government employees were suffering as they were getting salary but no corrupt money.  4. Suicides  5. Mounting EMIs (As Moratorium is also a bluff- Am I right Mr. RBI)   6. People losing ...