Adversity creates opportunity.

A farmer owned an old mule. One day, the mule fell into the
farmer's well. The mule brayed loudly and caught the attention
of the farmer. Upon assessing the situation, the farmer ruled out
any possibility of a rescue as it was simply too much trouble to
lift the mule out of the well. Out of sympathy for the animal, he
decided to enlist his neighbors' help to haul dirt into the well to
put the mule out of his misery.

The old mule was hysterical upon learning that his life would
thus end. However, as the farmer and the neighbors shoveled
the dirt into the well, a thought struck the old mule. He realized
that if he could shake off every dirt that landed on his back, the
dirt would hit the floor and he could step on the dirt.

Shovel after shovel, he continued relentlessly to shake off the
dirt and step on top of it. He fought the sense of panic and
distress and just went on shaking off the dirt and climbing
higher up the well.

With much determination and perseverance, the old mule
eventually stepped out the well, battered and exhausted, but
otherwise triumphant that he had survived the ordeal. Through
the way he handled the situation of adversity, the act of burying
him in fact saved his life.

There is a solution to every problem.
Never give up.
Adversity creates opportunity.


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