Water -an Ambrosia for life Story of a Desert: Written by: Jitender Singh Shekhawat उड़ चल, हारिल, लिये हाथ में यही अकेला ओछा तिनका। ऊषा जाग उठी प्राची में-कैसी बाट, भरोसा किन का! शक्ति रहे तेरे हाथों में-छुट न जाय यह चाह सृजन की; शक्ति रहे तेरे हाथों में-रुक न जाय यह गति जीवन की! We have seen many colors of world while in this lock-down and also came to know about our financial, mental and physical toughness, and lesson learned will make us wiser for tomorrow. In India Pre-Corona India was building a chain of skilled humans through various schemes like Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS). Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana, etc. Through these schemes Indian government was trying to make individuals Entrepreneurs so that they can become self-reliant. Results were easily visible where during corona lock-down itself we become self powered in production of PPE kits, masks ...
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